Jan 30, 2008

新年快乐! Happy Chinese New Year!

很快又新年了! 大家应该感到很开心吧! 从国外回来的朋友们最高兴是能和家人团聚吧!
老实说,我是最害怕过新年了! 不只是天气热,还最怕拜年!!

Chinese New Year is coming! Everybody must be very happy! Friends who back from overseas would be glad to enjoy the festive with their families!
Honestly, I'm afraid of it! Not only the hot weather, but also hate the "new-year visits"!!


Of course I have something to share with you!
I didn't use red color in my design because I think that was boring.
If you like it, you can send it to your friends as a card.....(anyone still using the paper card?)
There are 3 colors for you to choose from, you can match it and print it out!

要不然,你也可以将它贴在部落格,myspace, friendster 等等。

You can also post it into your blog, myspace, friendster etc.
Just copy the code below!

贴了可要告诉我哦! 让我有机会和你说谢谢!

But I've used a lot of time to do it!
Hope you all will like it!
Do tell me if you use it, I'll like to say thanks!

对了, 我也没想到我的部落格会有那么多的人来游览,谢谢你们的支持!
要是你是第10000 位游览者,也要告诉我!(电邮)因为我会有个惊喜给你!(注意网页的尾端数字)

Also, I didn't expect that there will be so many people viewing my blog, thanks for supporting me!
If you're the No.10000 viewer, tell me! (e-mail) I'll have a surprise for you! (check out the number at the end of the webpage)


Wish you a very happy Chinese New Year!

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