Jun 10, 2009

Adobe YYY......(对,我很无聊....I admit that I'm lame...)....

一星期前,由于喝了Nescafe 3 in 1 rich, 晚上睡不着,太无聊.....就突发奇想的做了这个:
one week ago, I got insomnia just because of Nescafe 3 in 1 rich, and so I did this:

如果你有使用Adobe 软件,你就知道我在无聊些什么..........
假装自己是Adobe de 成员.........
If you using Adobe software you sure will get what it is.....
I just stupidly apply my name onto it....pretending that I was one of them.....

And meet my Adobe friends~~~.......That's the real icon which I did.....not photoshop work....
I mean the so called "Adobe YYY " (which my friend call it....).....
Look alike???..........

Oh yeah, and to prove that it is real......

还有一系列......包括工作空间,文件icon 等.......还没完成.......
And one whole set....including workspace, file icon......I have't done it yet.....

PS: 别告我,只是玩玩而已......
RS: Don't sue me!!...This is just for fun.....

And another sleepless night...................

用Flash 画的.........
Done it in Flash......

Bye Bye.......